If you have been searching the web and trying to find a yoga teacher training in Pittsburgh PA, chances are you have come across a few schools but are still unsure of whether or not they are the right ones for you. Choosing the right program can be challenging since there are so many variables involved. Yoga continues to grow in popularity because it has proven that it works to help relieve stress and improve people’s health and well-being. Our site has many schools that offer a yoga instructor certification program and there is one that is nearby Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.
Depending on the type of yoga teacher training you seek in Pittsburgh, the Leela Mata Peaceful Valley Ashram is a great place to consider if you seek a more authentic and traditional style of yoga. Leela Mata is an internationally well known teacher from India (so you get the real deal here in the US) who comes from the Sivananda lineage and studied directly with Swami Vishnu Devananda.
Taking place in one of the few ashrams here in the United States, the certification course is a Yoga Alliance 200-hour accredited teacher training. The entire program runs two weeks and you would live in the ashram during this time which means that you will eat, sleep, and drink yoga the entire time to ensure that you truly absorb all that is being taught. This program is not ideal for those seeking just a couple of hours a day. You will need to dedicate yourself for the entire two weeks and place on hold any other commitments you may have.
Based in the Sampoorna style of yoga which she established, aspiring yoga teachers will learn all the basics of being able to teach yoga which include asana practice, how to modify your students correctly, speaking in front of large groups, developing your sequencing, meditation, pranayama, and much more. Along with what is considered the basic elements of yoga the course will cover other components of living and teaching a spiritual life which include the Universal Laws and how they apply to your life (similar to the Secret) Things such as goal setting, mindfulness, learning how to respond from a place of love rather then react and so on.
If you are also interested in teaching yoga to kids her daughter Chitra also runs the New Age Kids program that is dedicated to teaching many of the yogic principles to children and teenagers. The program is based on the idea of helping humans to learn and comprehend what most adults are now starting to learn. Chitra is registered with the Yoga Alliance at the E-RYT500 level and has traveled all over the world to offer her teachings. Many of her guided meditation CD’s can be found in schools curriculum programs. To learn more about upcoming dates, rates, and the application process please visit the Leela Mata teacher training page.
If you are looking for more yoga teacher trainings in Pittsburgh please check back later as we update this site. Or visit our schools page (link below) to find courses taking place all over the US and the world.
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