Yoga Teacher Training In Chicago

Looking For A Yoga Instructor Training In Chicago IL?

yoga teacher training chicago ILIf you are trying to find the right yoga teacher training in Chicago Illinois then we have some schools that offer Yoga Alliance accredited courses. Like most aspiring yoga instructors, choosing the right certification program can be a challenge. The most important thing to remember is to have a clear goal as to what you want to accomplish from your training so as you do your search you have a clear understanding as to what to look for and what questions to ask the school. There are many yoga certification programs in Chicago IL and here are some of them:

North Shore Yoga Teacher Training

If you are seeking an advanced yoga teacher training program, North Shore Yoga is 500-Hour Registerd Yoga School with the Yoga Alliance supporting experienced students who have already taken their 200-hour series. Lead by master teacher Sharyn Galindo, the course is a blend of Ashtanga and Vinyasa where she is heavily influenced by the teachings of Sri. K Pattabhi. While teacher Sharyn Galindo comes from the Midwest, her teachings and approach are very well formed from the traditions of the East.

Some of the teacher training curriculum include learning trancendtal meditation, pranayama in the Kaivalydhama Tradition, learning how to develop your own personal practice to that you continue to be a student,  learning proper sequencing via the Vinyasa Flow tradition, how to observe and adjust your students correctly, how to teach using props (Restorative Yoga), understanding injuries and being able to teach your students who have them, Yogic philosophy, the Sutras of Patanjali, chanting and the power of vocal frequency, and much more. As part of the program you will also participate in an Ayurvedic Detox and will be able to teach in front of her classes.

To learn more please visit North Shore Yoga

Rolf Gates Yoga Teacher Training

Another yoga teacher training program in the Chicago IL area is one from master teacher Rolf Gates. This 200-hour certification course is intended for serious students who are really looking to perfect their yoga practice or teach professionally. Rolf is an ex military major and thrives on perfection. Although filled with love and joy, he believes true yoga is a practice of attention to detail and wants to make sure that all students who come to his program leave with the tools to truly represent the yoga community effectively. His motto: “I want to bring special attention to the interplay between the physical and metaphysical.”

One of the advantages of this teacher training is that it takes place on the weekends so it is perfect for those students who have a regular 9 – 5 work schedule. This Vinyasa based program will cover everything from Asana practice and teaching methodologies, meditation, pranayama, therapeutic alignment principles of yoga, how to develop your sequencing, creating the right “tempo” and pace for a class and being mindful of all your students, how to correctly teach modifications, anatomy and physiology, nutrition, how to teach to beginners, and much more. If you are serious about your yoga (whether you are looking to deepen your practice or teach professionally) then this program is well suited for you.

To learn more visit Rolf Gates

Moksha Yoga In Chicago

Moksha 200 and 500 hour teacher trainings in Chicago are among the most respected in the country. These programs are the foundation for the study of the ancient art and science of yoga rooted in its classical form. The fundamentals, key elements and techniques of asana, pranayama, and teaching skills will be explored. Both programs are designed to give you a wide variety of topics, class settings, and experiences that involve classes with not only Daren Friesen (the founder of Moksha Yoga), but also with a variety of local and national teachers. We are committed to giving you the best learning experience possible and hope you will find your life and practice transformed.

To learn more visit Moksha Yoga

Other Chicago Based Yoga Teacher Trainings

If you are looking for more yoga teacher trainings in Chicago please check back as we continually update this page. Or please visit our Yoga School Directory for a listing of all schools. You can also browse our listing of Yoga Retreats or visit our calendar section in the upper right had side of the site as we have over 100 trainings being offered.

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