
Yoga Teacher Trainings In August 2012

The following are a list of yoga teacher training and yoga certification programs taking place in August. Click on the school’s name to learn more about their training.

School: Himalayan Yoga Institute International

Location: Isle of Losinj, Croatia

Dates:  August 24 – 15 September, 2013

Style: Ashtanga Rajadhiraja, Hatha blend

Description: 200h YA standard course. Join us for an unforgettable experience of a lifetime. Expect to discover new realms beyond your limited sense of self and find a love and joy never felt before. Expect an adventurous journey into your inner being. At the end of the training you will be centred, calm, superbly inspired, beaming with joy and empowered to skillfully guide others into the sacred landscape of their bodies, minds, and hearts, and teach powerful, uplifting, and intelligent classes infused with joy. Intensive residential course on the magical dolphin island Losinj, Croatia.

To learn more visit Himalayan Yoga Institute International

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Also, make sure you read this book before you take a yoga teacher training.