Spreading The Joy Of Yoga To All

yoga“The only way I can become a yoga teacher is from the charity of others (this scholarship program) and because of this, in return I will use my skills as a yoga teacher to bring charity to others.”

The reason I wish to become a yoga teacher has many aspects to it. To start from the beginning I spend the majorities of my 20’s teaching martial Arts, then after a 2nd major knee injury and surgery the doctors said I cannot train anymore. However that has not stopped me, Yoga has all that I love about the martial Arts, the mind and body connection, the idea of a meditation in motion and being present in the moment. However the slower and more controlled aspect of yoga has provided me the opportunity to continue doing what I love more than anything else in the world (with safety for my knee)… and that is being a part of an activity that provides me with health, fitness, and a calm and peaceful mind. To be able to do an activity like this for a living is my dream.

For me I have a couple favorite yoga teachers. The first is a name people should recognize and that is Duncan Wong, he has influenced me a lot due to his background with martial arts and yoga, which reflects my own history as well. The second is Kru Nui here in Bangkok; she is my favorite teacher here in the city. She has a lot of skill and always is there to help and challenge me. I have grown a lot by taking part in her classes. It is Kru Nui who has inspired me to come back and do what I love, and that is to teach, this time with yoga.

The reason I have chosen to take the yoga teacher certification with Tribe Yoga is that I was very impressed with the well rounded structure of their training as well as the ongoing support they offer to their graduates.  Also they are close to home since I live in Bangkok, and the training is in Chang Mai. Another thing is the program is all inclusive… so with the scholarship, I can do it without a problem.

I have been wanting to do a yoga instructor training for over a year, but only the money has stopped me, my average income over the last 8 years in Thailand is about $500 per month, and have to support my wife and child with that as well… this scholarship program will give me the chance to turn my life around for the better, and help me to not only do what I love but also better support my family as well.

The way I will impact this world as a yoga teacher is that I will offer regular yoga tours and travel to the rural areas of South East Asia where people have no chance to learn yoga and bring the joy of yoga to the people there. I would also like to open my own yoga studio here in Bangkok and donate part of the profits from that studio to programs that help the people in these areas as well (in terms of education, life needs… and my own yoga scholarship program for those there who do not have a computer to find an opportunity like this)… The only way I can become a yoga teacher is from the charity of others (this scholarship program) and because of this, in return I will use my skills as a yoga teacher to bring charity to others.

I hope to have your vote


George Knight

2012 Yoga Scholarship Essay

By: George Knight

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