I want to become a yoga teacher because it is the best job in the world and it makes me happy when my students are happy and to see them relax and their eyes shine. The experience of giving to them all the thing that I feel in my personal practice of meditation, pranayama or asanas put a smile on my face and I feel motivated to learn more about me and giving to them only what I feel and learned and I’m honest with me and with them.
When I was practicing during my second year in a classroom doing down dog one thought came to me and told me you got to teach yoga, eight years of practice and four years teaching now. My teacher was amazing, I was a very good student and still I am, never missed a class, always being the first to put the mat on shala and I always took exactly the instructions that my teacher said, he is right now teaching in NYC with Dharma Mittra.
My favorite yoga teacher is Kino Macgregor, I´m an Ashtanga yoga student, its my practice since 2008 and she inspires me not only with her disciplines and the loves that she puts on a yoga class she inspires me to me to go to my yoga mat and practice, practice and practice, putting off frustrations or ego out off my mat.
I have the dream of doing a yoga instructor training in India since eight years ago. I know this dream will come true someday and that will be the perfect time when it happens since there is no rush. I am just dreaming and wishing for now. I chose Tribe Yoga for my yoga teacher scholarship entry because the places are beautiful, the environment looks exactly what I was looking for, the methods they teach it’s the one that I practice and the one I truly love and I chose Tribe because its in Goa India. india is my dream place I feel it calls me to go every day.
I don’t want to be famous or anything, i just want to teach yoga class to all the people who are chasing peace for their life. Im living the now and my goal is to teach yoga for the rest of my life. Yoga is the medicine of these crazy times, people sometimes said: “Oh yoga its fashion right now, I don’t like that.” My answer is that it is better to be the fashion or cool thing to do then taking drugs, war, hate or sadness. So it’s the path for this world that is lost, my aim is to give yoga to all and help make their life better.
2012 Yoga Scholarship Essay
By: Melissa Pereira
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