Fred Busch Yoga

  • June 21st, 2013
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200hr & 500hr Teacher Trainings in Miami, New York, London, Peru, & Colombia

Styles: Hot Yoga, Power Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, and Therapeutic Yoga

Series: 200hr & 500hr

Location: Miami, New York, Colombia, London, Peru

The Fred Busch Power Teacher Training – Yoga Alliance 200 & 500 – New York, Miami, London, Malta, Lima, Bogota – Hot Yoga Certification with Anatomy, Yoga Philosophy and Meditation emphasis.

We meld an intense intelligently applied physical practice with gratitude and intention creating an alchemical effect of inner luminosity. All of our classes include meditation, a proper final relaxation, and lots of sweat! Our hot vinyasa and power yoga based sequencing incorporates many poses that build arm strength and core muscle groups. The Fred Busch Power Yoga Training schools have created an amazing community of friends and a safe and sacred space for students to experience the many dimensions of Yoga and its benefits.

Graduates of our Yoga Training Programs are certified to teach Hot Yoga, Power Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, and Therapeutic Yoga.

Here are what some of our students are saying…

“THANK YOU FRED!!!!!! I don’t have enough words to express all my gratitude to you and your staff!” – Gaby Maina

“I am so thankful for all the insight and teachings you blessed me and everyone with. Thank you for helping me birth new possibilities in my life.” – Jeff Metcalfe

“This teacher training was a gift from heaven for me and you are like the angel that God chose for opening to us the door to the yoga world…” – Tamara Aruj

Fred Busch Yoga Curriculum

Intro to Yoga and Yoga Philosophy

What is Yoga? What is Power Yoga? How do the different styles of Yoga relate to each other? What is the goal of Yoga? How does Meditation relate to Yoga? This workshop will begin to answer all of these questions and many more and we look into the historical background of Yoga and Tantra and then relate it to the present day movement of Yoga around the world.

5 Koshas (Sheaths)

The 5 Koshas are an energetic understanding of a person visualized as layers or more or less density of energy. The body itself being the least subtle layer, and subsequent layers of prana, mind, wisdom, bliss form concentric circles around the Center of Your Being… the Atman. This discussion of the Koshas will focus on understanding how this vision of human anatomy is useful in todays world.

Learning to Self Practice- Opening Sequence, Sun A, Sun B

In learning to Self Practice, which is the most valuable skill in Yoga, it is important to know some fundamental principles which will keep you confident and doubt free, which happen to be the only obstacles to a consistent Self-Practice. This workshop will break down the Fred Busch Power Yoga Opening Sequence and Sun Salutations so as to create complete understanding of the sequence, the alignment, the point of gaze, and the correct breathing and attitude. With this workshop you will be empowered to begin your Self-Practice on days you don’t make it to the studio. Drsti, Pranayama, Meditation

The 4 Paths and the 8 Limbs (Ashtanga) of Yoga

There are 4 Paths of Yoga classically known in India. This workshop will discuss the 4 Paths and how they differ and how they are similar. Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga and Jnana Yoga are the 4 Paths of Yoga which will be discussed. From Raja Yoga comes the great Sage Patanjali, the greatest Yoga master of all time and the author of the Yoga Sutras. Inside the Yoga Sutras, between Books 2 and 3, is found the section on Ashtanga Yoga, the Eight Limb Path, and within it, Patanjali explains the scientific formula for enlightenment and bliss. This is a workshop dedicated to illuminating our intellects and preparing ourselves for Living Enlightenment.

Mastering Standing Poses in Self Practice

The standing poses in Power Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, and other Hatha Yogas form the foundation for developing the strength and openness required to sit in meditation for long periods of time. The standing poses were developed much later in time and were created to build fitness, stability and good health. Their are many benefits to standing poses, however the benefits are even greater when the Asana is performed perfectly.

A good and aligned yoga pose creates powerful lines of energy in the body and the result is energetic flow that is both powerful and healing. This workshop will address the many alignment principle inherent in the standing poses of Power Yoga. We will discover here how many poses share the same alignment principles and learn to do visualize the ideal body and thus self correct yourself in Self-Practice.

Yoga Anatomy 1

Learn the bones, the joints, and the Muscles! This introduction to Physical Anatomy is well suited to beginners in the subject as we take it from the very beginning with Directional Terms and basic vocabulary. From there we learn the bones, types of joints, and the names and locations of the most important muscles in the body. We relate this info to Yoga by incorporating yoga poses that use the various muscles and feeling and seeing inside our own bodies for the pathway of the various muscle groups.

The Famous Fred Busch Food Talk

Fasten your seat belts and hold on tight, because this is often the most powerful presentation of information you will ever witness. In the Yoga Teacher Training version of the food talk, Fred will take no prisoners as he presents his understanding of the subject of Food. Welcoming all questions and all challenges, this workshop includes scientific discussions of the role of Vitamins, Minerals, Protein, Essential Fatty Acids, Enzymes, Probiotics, Immune System, Energy levels, Detox. Fred will discuss how easy it is to be an unhealthy vegetarian and will explain the principles to eating with more intelligence and more respect for biological design.

Yoga Sutras of Maharishi Patanjali

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are one of the most important of all Scriptures in the world. Written by Patanjali in a Sutra form, designed to be hidden out in the open, the Sutras are the accumulation of Yogic and Tantric wisdom that existed from the antiquities. Patanjali presented all of them in one single volume and in doing so did a service for Humanity that is divine. Each Yoga Sutra is ‘independently intelligent’ as Fred’s master explains, they each by themselves can deliver you from bondage into enlightenment, also known as Kaivalya, Nirvana, Bliss, Samadhi. In this workshop we will read all the Sutras with English translation and discuss many in full detail.

Fred Busch’s Healing Sequences for Power Yoga

Most injuries start small and get worse over time due to aggravation, something called not listening to your body. This is very common in Yoga because most teacher don’t understand how to let the body heal itself while still doing daily yoga. Most Yoga teachers suggest to either take a week off, or just keep going and push through it!

The fact is that both of those approaches don’t work which is why people don’t easily heal themselves and injuries can become chronic and spread and implicate other muscles. This is not the only option! The Fred Busch Healing Sequences offer a means to continue your daily yoga practice, get stronger in your core, and become the most advanced Yogi of them all, all while healing yourself of whatever injury has been gifted to you.

Arm Balances and Intermediate Poses

In order to learn arm balances from the beginning it is necessary to understand which muscles are really responsible for creating the lift of the seeming ability to defy gravity. This lift generally comes from the core muscles and so this workshop targets and identifies the preparation poses required to master before arm balancing becomes easy. We will then practice the actual arm balances in a specific and detailed way to assure everyone know exactly how to enter the poses over time.

Poses in this workshop will include: Forearm Stand, Handstand, Astavakrasana, Bhujapidasana, Peacock, Side Crow, Crow, Koundinyasana

Chakras Workshop

The chakras are energetic vortices in the body that have been seen by the mystics and can be perceived in the auric field. They are psycho-energetic centers that represent the potential of human consciousness and a map of the territory of human evolution.

This discussion of the chakras will cover the individual Chakras Color, Element, Sound, Emotion, Gland, and Poses. We will discuss how being stuck in the first three chakras has limited most people from seeing the true potential of human bliss which comes from moving into the Heart Center and awakening the THIRD EYE.

Inversions and Backbending

Ready to learn as much as you can about Headstand, Shoulderstand, and Backbends?

This is the workshop for you! We will start with a comprehensive safety discussion about Headstand and Shoulderstand with relation to the cervical spine and thoroughly cover the contra-indications for Inversions. Then we will take those who are ready to experience and realize which muscles groups are actually responsible for mastery of the inversions. We will practice and learn all the preparation poses and then get ready to MOVE OFF THE WALL, If you are ready, and the time has come for you, and your backbends are reasonable. We will learn about the 2 DIFFERENT HEADSTANDS and practice both of them and then discuss and learn the details for Shoulderstand.

We will then address Spine and Back Bends and we will discuss how many students do backbends that are not very effective. In this detailed workshop on the nature of Back bending and front body opening, we will cover the many variation of backbends and why different versions are more suitable for different student types. Making sure your yoga practice is always serving you most effectively.

Teaching Techniques

Just because you are good in your yoga practice does not make you a good teacher. Teaching is a different skill, which is one reason there is a difference between a yoga teacher and a yoga master. We are seeking to be both Masters in our personal spiritual practice, as well as being great, expressive and charismatic teachers. This workshop will dissect what are the subtle skills that great teachers use to make their classes better than average. Use of music, tone of voice, pace of speech, and so many other factors are at play in the creation of an amazing yoga class for all participants. Skills of observation will be honed to prepare teachers to identify students who need special variations. This workshop will help you take your yoga teaching to the next level!

Pranayama Comprehensive Workshop

Many Pranayamas are described in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Gerhand Samhita, sister scriptures from the middle ages. This workshop will cover almost all of the classical Pranayamas from the sacred scriptures. Each pranayama will be thoroughly explained and discussed, then demonstrated, then the class will experience.

Ujayi, Alternate Nostril Breathing, Sithali, Kabalabhati (Breath of Fire), Bastrika (Bellows) are all practiced in this very comprehensive introduction to the basics of Pranayama and the benefits they can incorporate into your life.

Prenatal Yoga

Learning how to teach pregnant women safely is an invaluable skill. This workshop is outsourced to our resident Prenatal Yoga Master Michelle Fonte and is designed to prepare the teachers understand the safety considerations in Pregnancy yoga. This workshop will also provide a beginners pre-natal yoga set for those who are interested in teaching Pre-Natal Yoga. This is usually run as a certification program, but certification is at complete discretion of the teacher.

Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga is one of the most advanced styles of Yoga to teach even though poses are all supported and relaxing and held for many minutes at a time. Restorative Yoga requires lots of information about the best ways to use props to create comfortable and sustainable poses for people to relax in. This workshop will cover the basics of theory about the healing benefits of Restorative Yoga and will then enjoy the experience of deep relaxation and renewal the comes from the healing and wonderful Restorative Yoga experience.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a guided relaxation experience which is practiced laying on the ground in Shavasana. Yoga Nidra is always guided because it requires the relinquishing of the mind to the guide of the meditation. Yoga Nidra is the ultimate restorative yoga pose. It is not sleeping! It is beneficial and deeply restful and healing as the brain is induced into the brainwaves that are most restorative and healing, the delta waves. We will discuss Yoga Nidra and then experience a 45 Minute Yoga Nidra guided by one of Fred’s Gurus.

Variations and Cues for Power Yoga

What is the most effective way to explain a Yoga pose to somebody? What are the best and most precise words to use? What is the least effort in speaking that can yield the most refined speech? This workshop will address this and do so in the context of a workshop on leading students through creative flow variations. There are literally infinite number of directions that can be taken from nearly every pose. This workshop will teach you to think creatively and be able to build your own safe, intelligent, and satisfying Yoga Vinyasa Flows.

Benefits and Contra-Indications in Yoga Asana

The many benefits of Yoga Asanas to health and mental well being could fill volumes. Yoga practice as a whole is beneficial and each of the individual poses within target different muscles, organs, glands, meridians, and visualizations. Each pose has specific benefits and this workshop will explore the main standing and seated poses and their benefits to strength, flexility, organs, glands and respiration.

Yoga poses can also be very dangerous if practiced by the wrong person. The wrong pose practiced by the wrong person can create injuries or other damage. Yoga teaching is a huge responsibility as you take another persons health and wellbeing into your hands. The other half of this workshop will discuss that are called Contra-Indications to Yoga Poses. These are conditions and situations that certain yoga poses are better avoided. We will cover the main diseases and conditions in a basic overview of what is contra-indicated in different scenarios. This information is mandatory for good and safe Yoga Instruction.

Teaching Privates

The art of teaching Private Yoga classes and very small groups is a skill that pays itself back a hundredfold. A Yoga teacher will generally make most of their money through teaching privately so the ability to be confident and resourceful in a home setting is required. Teaching 1 on 1 offers many opportunities and many challenges that group classes do not afford. This workshop will shed light on how to take advantage of the opportunities while avoiding any of the difficulties from the challenges so as to make your private clients very satisfied with their Yoga class and experience with you.

Sanskrit Alphabet

The Sanskrit Alphabet is a divinely realized continuum of sound waves that are harmonic to your Chakra system and resonant to the sound waves of the cosmos.

The Sanskrit Alphabet is sacred and incredibly healing when pronounced correctly.

This workshop will cover the basics to pronunciation of the 51 Letters of the Sanskrit Script of Devanagari. You will learn how to read elementary Sanskrit words and how to pronounce the names and words in the many sacred Sanskrit Mantras. We will cover the 5 Mouth Positions of Sanskrit and vowels and consonant sounds as well as the Anasvara and Visarga grammatical components. Make your chanting precise and feel the energetic difference in the sound waves vibrating within and around you.

Massage for Yoga Teachers

Just a few very simple massage techniques can make the difference between a good yoga teacher and great one. This very popular workshop (everyone loves massage and wants to learn to massage better!) focuses on the most practical and satisfying massage moves that help a person feel less tense and more relaxed. Fred Busch massage training for Yoga teachers is available to anyone who wants to learn a better quality of touch. For Yoga teachers this is invaluable information which will without question improve the quality of your classes and the quality of care for your students.

Chanting Sanskrit Mantras

This is a workshop designed to highlight the healing and illuminating effects of chanting Mantras in Sanskrit. Sanskrit sounds are scientific and specific frequencies that are associated with your Chakras and help to balance and energize them. We will cover several of the most Sacred Mantras on Earth: Gayatri, Maha Mritunjaya, Sri Ram Jay Ram, and several others as we also discuss the universal nature of Spiritual Enlightenment and bliss. We will focus on correct sanskrit pronunciation using the 5 mouth positions and the power of visualization and intention.

Pranayama, Meditation, Mala Beads

The system of Yoga and enlightenment as expressed in the eight limb path of Patanjali speaks of limbs Pranayama, Dharana, Dhyana, and then Samadhi. Patanjali’s formula for liberation places Pranayam before Meditation and Meditation before Samadhi. This is a very specific formulation and in this workshop we will explore and experience why this order of practice is so powerful. In addition we will learn how to use Mala beads in a seated meditation practice of silent mantra chanting. We will learn pranayama and meditation practices for your Self-Practice, giving you the tools for Living Enlightenment.

Teaching Techniques

Just because you are good in your yoga practice does not make you a good teacher. Teaching is a different skill, which is one reason there is a difference between a yoga teacher and a yoga master. We are seeking to be both Masters in our personal spiritual practice, as well as being great, expressive and charismatic teachers. This workshop will dissect what are the subtle skills that great teachers use to make their classes better than average. Use of music, tone of voice, pace of speech, and so many other factors are at play in the creation of an amazing yoga class for all participants. Skills of observation will be honed to prepare teachers to identify students who need special variations. This workshop will help you take your yoga teaching to the next level!

Pranayama Comprehensive Workshop

Many Pranayamas are described in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Gerhand Samhita, sister scriptures from the middle ages. This workshop will cover almost all of the classical Pranayamas from the sacred scriptures. Each pranayama will be thoroughly explained and discussed, then demonstrated, then the class will experience.

Ujayi, Alternate Nostril Breathing, Sithali, Kabalabhati (Breath of Fire), Bastrika (Bellows) are all practiced in this very comprehensive introduction to the basics of Pranayama and the benefits they can incorporate into your life.

The Brickell Hot Yoga – Fred Busch Power Vinyasa Yoga Style

Fred Busch Power Yoga at Brickell Hot Yoga is the perfect combination of challenging Power Yoga sequencing, including safe variations, with insights on the nature of the mind and the skill of meditation in life. At Brickell Hot Yoga we sweat our gratitude! An what we are most grateful for is the Amazing Brickell Hot Yoga community itself!

Fred Busch Power Yoga – Faculty

fred busch yogaFred Busch, Director

Yoga Master Fred Busch is a dedicated practitioner who first reached international acclaim with the publishing of his holistic health-care book, A Clear and Definite Path. Since his arrival into the healing arts, he has developed a transformative system and specific style of that inspires and invigorates each student. His unique approach to yogic lifestyle correctly lays the foundation for the beginner and refines the more adept creating an environment able to satisfy diverse needs, intentions, and levels of practice. Fred seamlessly navigates large classes at his home studio, yet individually touches the heart of all who come. Twenty years of meditation and yoga practice have culminated in Fred Busch’s Healing Sequences, an expression of Yoga that creates a healing environment for students with injuries or individual requirements. One pointed attention, a deep spiritual essence, application of ‘healing sequences’ and a vast holistic knowledge of healthy eating are the tools of this healing artist as he untiringly devotes himself to training others be leaders on a path towards a healthy planet with healthy people, now.

Fred is also author of The Lower Back Bible – The Yoga Solution for a Pain Free You and has produced many DVDs and Audio CD’s on Yoga, Meditation, and Yoga Philosophy.

Allaine Stricklen

Allaine Stricklen is the creator of Gentle Therapeutics Yoga, a Yoga of non-doing and the core practice underlying the essence of all Yoga. Even those with an active dynamic practice will benefit greatly from the inner peace and deep release of this Restorative class.

Gentle Therapeutics Yoga is the practice of entering into Yoga postures using an assortment of props: blankets, bolsters, blocks, straps, walls, chairs, eye pillows etc. Supported and stabilized by various props, one experiences the Yoga postures as profoundly relaxing and deeply rejuvenating, invoking a natural state of healing rest, renewal and equanimity.

Supported and passive Yoga postures allow the body to naturally release, letting go of held tension and stress. The results are a balanced state of being from inside out.

Gentle Therapeutics Yoga is a life enhancing practice and is appropriate for anyone at any age or stage of life and in any physical condition.

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