Yoga Teacher Training Tips

Looking To Take A Yoga Teacher Training?

yoga teacher training tipsAre you considering taking a Yoga teacher training? Have you been playing with the idea of becoming a yoga teacher? There are lots of things to consider before you start your yoga certification program. If yu have been pondering the idea of signing up with a program, here are some yoga training tips from a past trainee who offers some sound advice on what to keep in mind as you start your program.

Yoga Teacher Training Case Study

I admit it: I wasn’t the best yoga trainee. I frequently missed class, showed up late, and on one occasion, got so upset at the incompetence of a person giving a lecture that I walked out. Years later, as a much more experienced yoga teacher trainer, I had a student who reminded me a whole lot of, well…me. I realized firsthand what I’d put my (very patient) trainers through; I also understood karma in a new dimension and boy was it coming back to bite me in the…. The simple fact is, even though you may have already chosen your yoga teacher training program, perhaps even paid the deposit; you’ve got to continue to choose that program every time you show up at the studio. What I mean by this is that sometimes that new car smell wears off and we lose some of our original enthusiasm. Or, one thing that happened for me was that the yoga teacher training course started to bring up some deep emotional issues I had not dealt with. Because I did not want to look at these issues, it started to make me feel as if I did not want to go anymore. Trust me, there will be days in your yoga teacher training that will be frustrating, challenging, emotional, maybe even downright upsetting. If you’re dedicated to your schooling and education, however, you’ll persevere. So from very personal experiences, here’s the best ways to stay dedicated as a yoga student and get the most out of your yoga teacher training.

Be Punctual and Show Up

Ok, I know that may sound simple and like a no-brainer, but it really is difficult for many people to actually show up on time. I was quite surprised at how many students did not show up on time to class. I mean, you just spent three thousand dollars and don’t show up for yourself? Set wake-up alarms for yourself and remember your attendance is required! Yoga is a person-to-person education, and there’s no way to learn if you’re not there. Some yoga schools won’t let you graduate if you’ve missed too much time. I know that may sound harsh but remember, as a yoga teacher you represent an entire industry. We need to make sure we keep the integrity of yoga in tact for future generations. So if you are going to enroll, then commit to the program and show up on time.

Set Your Intention

What do you want to get out of the yoga teacher training course? What is your goal as you start your path to become a yoga teacher? Why do you want to learn to teach yoga? It’s very important to have a clear and set intention before you take the Yoga certification program so that every day you can remind yourself why you are taking the yoga training and make sure you get what you want from the experience. Do you want to teach professionally? Do you want to just deepen your practice? Are you just looking to explore your own health? By setting an intention before you start, it really does help to stay on path and keep focused.

Do Your Reading

Every yoga teacher training school will require you to read certain books. Do yourself a favor and actually read them. Those books have been assigned to you for a reason!  As a yoga teacher trainer myself, I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to have students not involved in discussions because they have not kept up with their reading. Most schools will give you their booklist ahead of time if you ask, so if you need more time to read, get a jump start.

Do Your Assignments

Ok, once again I know this sounds childish but many students hold off to the last minute on their assignments even when they seem so “simple” and mundane. Your assignments are developed for a reason and teaching yoga is not just about poses and asanas. Rather than dashing off that journal entry the moment before it’s due, complete it the night before. This way you will have had some time to contemplate what you wrote and have the next morning to fine-tune it.

More importantly, this is about you learning and growing. Don’t just look at the course as a way to get more flexible or teach people to become more flexible. You can also use the yoga teacher training to become more intimate with yourself and address any deep hidden issues you may have stored away for a later time. Well that later time is now!

Go To Yoga Class

Once again, another one that sounds like a no brainer yet I swear to you many students fail to do. Many yoga certification courses will require you to take a specific number of classes per week at their studio. It’s important for you as a trainee to experience firsthand different teachers’ methods by going to these classes.

Ask Questions

Not sure about something? Need help with your adjustments? Ask! Don’t let that stubborn ego get in the way of you getting the full experience of your education and schooling. I notice in my own programs that some students are just afraid to ask. Stupid question? Who cares?! Don’t want to look foolish? Who cares!? This is your program and you need to get out of it everything that you intended to. Speak up and be bold!

We yoga teachers make frequent use of the phrase, “Be Present,” and in your journey to become a yoga teacher you can embrace no better affirmation for your yoga training. Being a dedicated student is the best path to becoming a yoga teacher.


Useful Links

Yoga Teacher Training Schools – Are you interested in becoming a yoga teacher and taking a yoga teacher training? Then check out our list of schools from around the world offering yoga certification programs.

Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship – Learn more about our scholarship program where we offer one lucky student the opportunity to win a free yoga teacher training.

yogaAmazing Yoga – Power Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training with Amazing Yoga is an incredible opportunity to learn how to facilitate transformation—physical, mental, and spiritual.  You will leave the training radiating and filled with confidence and joy.  Whether you aspire to teach, are an experienced teacher or simply want to deepen your practice, this training will empower you. Our trainings are held in exotic locations such as Tulum, Mexico and Costa Rica.  Get ready for a full immersion into yoga at the most peaceful and magical places you can imagine. Click here to learn more about Amazing Yoga Teacher Training

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