Two years ago I moved from North Miami to a northern city which although I’m beginning to enjoy more every day, I must admit was not my favorite city in South Florida when I first moved. I moved in to be closer to by boyfriend who lovingly reminds me to be grateful for everything I have. So, everyday, I practiced gratitude and gently shifted my focus from “eh, it’s soooo boring here” to “huh, there’s a really cool vibe here”. I must confess, one of the reasons I’ve grown to like it more is that the Shala is within walking distance. I’ve been to several yoga studio’s and schools in the area, and somehow Anuttara Yoga Shala has given me something different. Something delicate, and gentle that was new for me.
When I first received the information for this scholarship, it arrived in the form of newsletter from the shala where I recently began attending and practicing my yoga again. It was only about 8-9 months ago that I found the Shala and that was by “accident”. My sister who was staying with us for a short while- found the school and although I had seen it a few times driving home, she inspired me to visit and I am abundantly grateful I did. I have always had an interest in studying the practice of yoga but found it challenging to do on my own. The meditation, the quietness, the softness of just stillness- was TOO much for Me. Not ME, I can’t be STILL, I can’t be Quiet!!! I have TOOO Much TO DO. And then I did Raja, WoW!!! 1 hour of stillness and breathwork. WoW!!! I couldn’t believe how I enjoyed it, and how much I needed that class.
It was Amazing, energizing and cleansing. Everytime I do yoga now, I feel like someone takes a Brush and cleans my insides. Literally scrubs me from the inside out. Whether it’s fast movement or slow movement- it’s transformed me and reminded me to bring that same peace and flow into my daily life. I don’t do it as often as I’d love to, but hence that’s where this hopeful scholarship comes in:)
From the 1st time I did yoga, at the gym in Maryland over 15 years ago, I’ve known there is something special about it, and something special happens to me when I practice yoga. That teacher at the gym I must say was my favorite, 1) because she introduced me to it, 2) because she taught me it’s not about where I do it, it’s about just doing it. Over the years I’ve chosen to stay connected with Yoga focused institutions for my practice since it keeps me more fluid, patient, and deliberate with my environment; but really it can be done anywhere. That teacher inspired me to get better with each session and taught me that as busy as we are, we can always make time for ourselves- in fact, we need to in order to give more to others. When I feel whole and complete with source- I can be that for others and help them be that too. It’s like the ocean, the waves work together, not separately. I might not know all the poses- in fact I only know a few, but that doesn’t matter. Everything, well almost everything can be taught. What matters is that Yoga helps me be cleaner, wholer, peaceful and pure in this sometimes seemingly unclean world. Really the world is clean- it’s we who are not. If we can each continue to find and be those things that make us feel good as individuals- then we can live good together for each other. My goal is that thru the teaching and care I receive thru Anuttara Yoga Shala, I can learn more about the basics and traditions, as well as the principles of yoga and share that with others. I’m excited to study with Anuttara Shala because not only did they introduce me to this program, they introduced me to my city and a whole new side of my world- physical, and spiritual.
Just like it’s name, the Annuttara Yoga Shala that means “Supreme Yoga” and in life that’s the real lesson I believe, to be in Supreme Alignment with ourselves. The practice I experience is Self-Transformational, and as I continue to nurture myself and grow, I know I will continue to share light with others and help them transform as well. I might not have all the tools today to be a world-renowned teacher, but luckily I don’t need to be just yet. When the time is right- the universe will make that happen. In the meantime, I can better my practice and teach locally as a member of the city I live in, and the community I am part of. I look forward to sharing light with those around me not just as a teacher, but as a student too! Thank you for this gracious opportunity and I appreciate the consideration. May the votes begin🙂
2012 Yoga Scholarship Essay
By: Regena Ozeryansky
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